Klippe Journal

Take a peek inside the Klippe Journal, where we delve into fascinating e-learning topics and questions. Stay updated on our latest content through our social media channels (LinkedIn and Facebook), where you can explore topics in an organized manner. Happy reading! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us!

e-learning feladatok

Effective E-Learning: Enhancing Tasks, Assessments, and Feedback

Motivational Techniques in Curriculum Development

What’s New in Moodle 4

Comparing E-learning Systems

vizualitás az e-learningben

Boosting E-learning with Visuals


SCORM: the Standard Hard to Break Free From

blended learning jelentése

Blended Learning – When Can It Help?

tanulási környezet

How to Create an Effective Online Learning Environment?

e-learning monitoring

Improve E-learning Effectiveness via Learning Data

How E-learning Systems Help Learning?

Gamification in E-learning

digitális onboarding

Why Digital Onboarding Is Worth Using

Curriculum Development Guidelines

Videos and Animations for Effective E-learning

The Future of Natural Language Processing (NLP) in E-Learning

E-learning Content Localisation & A.I.

The Best Software for Developing Your E-learning Curriculum

moodle fejlesztés

Improving Your Moodle Site

Microlearning for Effective Learning

Mastering Software Instruction Through Simulation

moodle pluginok

Most Useful Moodle Plugins in E-learning

How Can Science Fiction Help E-learning?

online oktatás

Effective Methods in Online Learning

e-learning fogalmak

E-learning, u-learning, m-learning, d-learning?! We’ll help!

E-learning in VR: Immersive Learning


Maximizing Knowledge Management in Your Organization

e-learning rendszer funkciói

What Can an LMS Do? Key Features of E-learning Systems

learning experience platform

Learning Experience Platform: A Custom Learning Experience

Moodle Releases and Improvements

xAPI e-learning szabvány

xAPi, cmi5, IMS CC: the Latest E-learning Standards

e-learning akadálymentesítés

Accessibility in E-learning: Digital Curriculum for Everyone

e-learning fejlesztés

Diving into E-Learning Development with Expert Guidance

Soft Skills Training via E‑learning: Where to Begin?

élethosszig tartó tanulás

Lifelong Learning in Organizations

Bite-sized Learning: Easily Digestible E-learning Bites

tanulói profil

The 21st-Century Learner Profile – Needs to Consider

The Most Important E-learning Trends for 2024

Storytelling in E-learning

Choosing the Right E‑learning System

      Curious to dive deeper into our learning materials, e‑learning systems, or training programs? Looking for a quote? Reach out to us!