Boosting E-learning with Visuals

Why concern yourself about e-learning visuals? Consider the scenario: learning about the intricacies of atoms solely through text versus with interactive diagrams. Which approach seems more effective to you?

Visual elements are pivotal in learning, and with e-learning, we now have unprecedented opportunities in this realm. The visual design of an e-learning course is as crucial as its technical content – if not more so. But why is this the case? Wondering which tools to use to enhance the visual appeal of your courses? Let’s take a look at it together!

Why E-learning Visuals are Crucial?

The human brain is wired to process visual content more efficiently than text alone. Visuals not only save learners from slogging through lengthy paragraphs but also aid in dissecting complex ideas and grasping technical terms with ease. Neglecting visual tools in an e-learning course is a missed opportunity; they inject variety into the learning journey, making it both more enjoyable and effective.

Better Understanding

Visual content serves as a powerful tool in illustrating material, assisting learners in forming connections with abstract or complex concepts.


Vibrant and aesthetically pleasing visual elements play a crucial role in capturing students’ attention and boosting their motivation, thereby enhancing their engagement in the learning process.


Pictures, diagrams, and graphs play a pivotal role in facilitating information recall and aiding learners in retaining material in their long-term memory.


Interactive visual elements empower learners to actively engage in the learning process, facilitating experiential learning that often results in more effective and profound understanding.

Visual Design and Instructional Design

Visual and instructional design should seamlessly complement each other in an e-learning course. Exceptional content may go unnoticed if poorly presented, and a visually appealing course may not yield positive learning outcomes if the content lacks relevance or clarity. These two aspects are interdependent, with both being equally vital for the course’s success.


Curriculum Development Guidelines

Our team members have been involved in e-learning curriculum development for many years. We’ve helped cashiers and bank employees master their new internal software solutions, insurance company colleagues to ace compliance trainings, employees of a multinational company to learn a new product, and many more. After numerous diverse projects and extensive experiences, we’ve distilled invaluable professional guidelines into 6+1 points.

Read more!

Utilizing E-learning Visuals

Explaining Complex Concepts

Visual tools serve as invaluable aids in helping learners grasp intricate concepts, procedures, or facts. For instance, transforming a complex workflow into a detailed infographic, enriched with pictures and diagrams, can significantly enhance comprehension and retention.

Discovering Trends and Patterns

Pictures and diagrams can be a game-changer for students to spot new trends and patterns within a subject. They make it simpler to grasp crucial data that aids in problem-solving or comprehending an organization’s objectives. Timelines help track trends over time, while graphs unveil hidden connections.

Strengthening Key Information

Visual aids serve as handy tools for swiftly revisiting material, recalling, or even highlighting pivotal points.

Boosting Learning Speed

Visual content gets processed by the brain at a quicker pace, expediting the learning journey without adding complexity to memorization. Moreover, learners retain information more precisely and for extended periods when it’s delivered visually.

Easing Cognitive Strain

Cognitive overload is a major concern among e-learning experts as it hinders learners from fully grasping essential material. Visual aids alleviate this burden on learners’ minds. Rather than memorizing extensive text or percentages, they can recall pie charts and images, which is far simpler. For instance, associating concepts with relevant visuals boosts retention rates compared to solely relying on text or audio.

Watch Out!

Utilizing visual materials solely for decorative purposes or to fill screens can be a grave mistake! They neither assist nor enhance the learning process for students – quite the contrary.

Exploring Visual Tools and Their Applications

Various types of e-learning visuals can be employed in digital courses. While we aim to cover the primary options, the potential applications are only bound by the creativity of the courseware developer. When selecting visual content, it’s crucial to always align with the course’s purpose and the learners’ requirements. A strategic blend of visual elements and a creative approach not only sustains student engagement but also facilitates the attainment of learning goals.


Illustrations serve as powerful tools for simplifying intricate concepts and processes. Their utility includes:

  • Demonstrating the various components and functions of machinery or software, as well as depicting processes like customer service workflows.
  • Facilitating comprehension of spatial relationships.
  • Bringing attention to concealed patterns and intricate relationships.
  • Depicting the essence of conveyed information.
illusztráció e-learning


Icons expedite content consumption for learners, particularly in lists. They add visual appeal without overwhelming screen real estate.

e-learning ikonok


Relevant photos are instrumental in illustrating intricate themes, narrating stories, or reinforcing messages. They captivate attention, evoke emotions, and contextualize content. So, here are some tips for effective image use:

  • Opt for high-resolution, top-notch images.
  • Minimize the use of mundane stock photos.
  • Prefer images depicting people engaged in activities over those merely posing.
  • Depict complex concepts through a sequence of photos.
  • Ensure that people in the photos resemble your target audience, enhancing relatability for learners.
e-learning fotók


The popularity of platforms like YouTube and TikTok underscores the potency of video as a premier content format. Videos not only enrich your courses but also enable you to present material in a captivating manner through real-life narratives and scenarios. Some examples:

  • Tutorial videos presenting and detailing complex ideas or concepts.
  • Demonstrating complex procedures, such as machine assembly.
  • Incorporating interviews and case studies to showcase real-world problems and solutions.
e-learning video
videó e-learning

Video and Animation for Effective E-learning!

Ever notice how videos and animations can jazz up learning, making it more enjoyable, understandable, and diverse? Yet, not all visual content is created equal. Explore the art of crafting visuals for education, understanding how they serve various purposes and enhance learning experiences.

Read more!

Charts and Graphs

Data visualization proves invaluable in illustrating trends and elucidating intricate relationships. It offers a more efficient means of succinctly conveying quantifiable information compared to text.


An excellent tool for guiding learners through organizational processes, such as onboarding procedures.

Pie Chart

Ideal for depicting percentages, like comparing the costs of various marketing activities within an organization.

Column or Line Graph

Effective for showcasing trends over time, such as monthly average revenues.

e-learning diagram


Infographics excel at conveying complex information, processes, statistics, or narratives in a concise and visually appealing manner. They condense vast amounts of data into a single graphic, presenting it in a sophisticated yet understandable format.

GIFs/Short Videos

GIFs serve multiple purposes in e-learning courses:

  • As engaging icebreakers to swiftly capture learners’ attention.
  • For explaining brief processes in an animated format.
  • To evoke emotions, such as using congratulatory GIFs when learners complete training tasks.
e-learning gif


Introducing drawn characters into e-learning courses fosters a sense of familiarity, akin to receiving guidance from a teacher or mentor. The crux lies in crafting relatable and authentic characters that learners can readily connect with. Additionally, storytelling proves immensely beneficial in accomplishing your learning objectives.

e-learning karakterek

Overall, the cornerstone of successful visual-based e-learning lies in selecting meticulously crafted course material and employing the appropriate visual aids. Most curriculum development software offers multimedia templates for creating captivating diagrams, timelines, and infographics.

As a preliminary step, it’s essential to decide which e-learning visuals merit representation and which may be superfluous. For instance, transforming relatively straightforward data into infographics might complicate comprehension and lead to cognitive overload. The crucial point is to meticulously align your objectives with the curriculum, ensuring that visual elements serve the learners’ development rather than becoming an end in themselves.

Need Some Help?

If you’re considering delving into the development of visual e-learning materials for your organization but feel unsure about the next steps, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to assist you in selecting the optimal solution tailored to your needs. Especially if resources are limited, leveraging expert guidance can significantly streamline your efforts and minimize costs.

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Klippe Learning

Kik vagyunk?

Digitális oktatási szakértők és szoftverfejlesztők, akik követik a trendeket és innovatív megoldásokat kínálunk az általunk készített tananyagokban és rendszerekben. Már X éve foglalkozunk digitális képzésekkel, komplex e-learning tananyagok készítésével és rendszerek bevezetésével.

A Klippe Learning csapata elkészíti számodra azt a digitális oktatási és tanulási megoldást, amit megálmodtál – vagy megálmodjuk helyetted, ha nem tudod, hogy pontosan mire van szükséged. Saját tartalom, kreatív és motiváló módszerek, hozzád alakított platform.

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